Changing the name of the company online, price 179 Eur. / 619,34 Lt.
The change of the name of the company (legal entity) can be carried out using a certified electronic signature and documents upon approval by the notary’s office.
You will be able to change the company name faster and cheaper if you do this by using an electronic signature. Changing the name of the company using an electronic certified signature.
Additional costs:
The are no additional costs.
You will need:
To fill out our sent questionnaire;
To sign prepared documents;
Using a certified electronic signature, to submit the documents to the Public Institution “Registrų centras” (eng. Center of Registers) (documents can be submitted at our office, or from your computer in consultation with our specialists).
Changing the company name at the notary‘s office:, price: 179 Eur/619,34 Lt.
Įmonės ( juridinio asmens) pavadinimo pakeitimą galima atlikti ir naudojantis sertifikuotu elektroniniu parašu ir dokumentus tvirtinant notaro biure.
Įmonės pavadinimo pakeisite greičiau ir pigiau jei tai darysite naudodamiesi elektronimiu parašu. Keičiant įmonės pavadinimą, naudojant elektroninį sertifikuotą paraša
Additional costs:
Notary's salary 60-120 EUR.
You will need:
Fill out our sent questionnaire;
Submit the required company documents according to the sent list;
Come to the notary‘s office to sign the prepared documents;
Deliver the documents certified by the notary and to take them from the Public Institution “Registrų centras” (eng. Center of Registers).